Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rurouni Kenshin

So, as previously stated, I have finally (re)started Rurouni Kenshin. I am pretty far, about chapter 80. It is a total 180 compared to the last manga I read, The Breaker. The Breaker (UH-mazing) is set in modern Tokyo with martial arts and fast cars. Rurouni Kenshin is set at the beginning of the Meiji Era when swords were banned and the Japanese still wore kimonos. It is in this time frame actually that martial arts became a more prominent and important way of fighting, since swords were banned and self defense was still needed.

So this story is about a Rurouni (wandering swordsman) who has long red hair and a cross shaped scar on his cheek. He looks kind of like a puppy, and is very unassuming, except for his blatant disregard of the edict banning swords in public. He ends up helping a girl named Kaoru clear the name of her dojo, and in the process she finds out he is the legendary Hitokori Battousoui, the "Human Killer" of the just ended war. However, he has now renounced his previous name and goes by Himura Kenshin, a Rurouni who wanders around helping those in need with his reverse blade, sakabato. The reverse blade is so he doesn't kill again, and he ends up staying with Kaoru.

His name and skills attract many friends and enemies, and as of right now
He has left his group, the self titled Kenshin-gumi or Group of Kenshin. Ok, the scene where he leaves...
IS JUST LIKE IN NARUTO!! With sasuke and sakura! When Sasuke leaves Sakura gets this bad feeling and so she goes to the only place he could be and meets him there and tries to stop him. She cries and pleads. He comes behind her and says thank you before knocking her out and gently leaving her behind.

He does end up becoming bad, but in Rurouni Kenshin, he waits until everyone else has left (Sagara Sanosake, Megumi, Yahiko) before saying his farewell. He is face to face with her, and hugs her, thanking her for everything she has done, before leaving her gently, her tears still streaming down her face as she watches him leave.

Both scenes are really touching. I seriously had tears in my eyes for the Sauske and Sakura one. Anyway, I am really bad at summaries, hopefully this blog thing will help me. Suffice it to say, R.K starts out a Little slow, but picks up as you get going. It is really interesting, full of historical facts. However, I would like more character interaction and development. I know I say that a lot, but that is what makes most of an interesting story is the way the characters react to each other, to challenges, to situations, to problems they themselves have made. I like more growth and interaction. So far this story is just fight fight funny fight.

But now, as they all set off after Kenshin, I think a lot more is going to happen. You just have to hang in there.

Oh, and I think the manga-ka is an idiot. At least from the way he writes his side notes. but he cant be because this story is actually a really in depth historical adventure(hopefully with more romance and character development as it goes). Anyway, I do suggest it, so far I like it.

PS: sorry this post isnt very good. Its late, please forgive me.

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