Tuesday, July 13, 2010


How does someone get started on the wonderful world that is anime and manga? I remember the first time I saw my first anime, Naruto. It was a late night babysitting for a neighbor several years ago, and I was just flipping through the channels trying to find something to ease the boredom. Bright colors caught my eye(always a sucker for cartoons) and I stopped, interested. In about five minutes I was hooked for life. Hook, line, sinker, brain, sanity, the whole shibang.

I can't even remember the episode now. I think it might have been when Kakashi was putting the seal on Sauske's curse mark, and Orochimaru came up and was all creepy. Back then I didn't even know the name of the show. But that didn't stop me! I spent the whole next day looking up Ninja anime, finally finding my first love; Kakashi! ;)

I think I spent almost a straight year watching all the episodes. I would spend hours and hours a day watching on the computer. My parents became worried, then frustrated, limiting my hours of computer time. But I never gave up!

What I really liked about this show is the message and the way the characters progressed. It may be a little cheesy (especially in the 4Kids dubs... *shivers with horror*), but this show isn't just your normal kick-fight-win show. Each character was fully developed and personalized, each one having their own unique personalities.

The show focuses on Naruto, but each one of his friends and enemies are given ample screen time. Sometimes entire episodes(or chapters, as the case may be) devoted to different characters. They each grew and progressed in their own way, becoming smarter and stronger to reach their own goals. Watching them progress in the story was probably my favorite part. Rock Lee, Gaara, Neji, and Shikamaru were some of the characters that I think really grew a lot, especially pre Shippuden story line. Their stories were some of my favorite.

The message in the Naruto is to never give up, no matter the obstacles or challenges. Always strive for your dreams, your goals, and do it in a way you can be proud of. Rely on your friends, because if sometimes you can't do something, maybe they can. It sounds kinda corny when you say it, but it's an important message especially in today's world. "All you need is a little help from your friends..."

Breaking out in song always solidifies a point :)

Anyway, I could go on about Naruto (kinda like how its gone on and on and on...) and if there are any thoughts on Naruto itself please share! I also want to hear how other people got started. What was your first anime(or manga) that got you hooked? What is it about your first one that made you love it or hate it, keep up with it or move on to something else? Any deep philosophical, underlying meanings or just a good time? Let me know!


  1. Oh My! You know how much I obsess over Manga. It has become a deadly habit. My very first anime was Sailor Moon. I remember sitting there wondering who the prince and the princess were, now I just feel stupid not knowing. Ruroni Kenshin was next. Who doesn't love a red head who can handle a deadly sword. After that I lost control

  2. HEHE! Oh do I remember.. You're the one who got me back on track after I faded for awhile (gasp!) Sailor moon... I remember that! I tried to watch it when I was a kid, but my parents didnt like it :P I must totally agree with you on Ruroni Kenshin! I started that while back, I should finish it. :D loosing control is totally acceptable, even encouraged here! Thanks for your support, my friend!

  3. OH Man. Sailor moon!! I was always Sailor Pluto. Haha And Ruroni Kenshin was soo good. And kenshin is attractive, but mmm the broad swordsman (cant remember his name) with "bad" on his back is great! I got into Yu Yu Hakusho for a little bit, but it was kinda weird and confusing. And I used to watch Cardcaptors for a bit too!! AAH! (little mind freak out) Haha.... and thats how I became addicted to Anime/Manga. :)

  4. lol You are the one who tells us to read Kenshin, and he is cute but the big guy is the tall dark and handsome reckless kind ;) I never read Yu Yu Hakusho or Cardcaptors. Sweetness:) It just sucks you in... there is no EScaPe!(Dory pronunciation) cool guys, good to know! Thanks!! I really should finish Ruroni Kenshin...
