Monday, July 19, 2010


So when you read a manga or watch an anime, and it doesn't turn out exactly how you want it, or there is no pairing, or not enough action, or the plot went off in a way you didn't like, what do you do? Why, you make up your own story, of course!

Not everyone will make up a story, and even less will write it down, and fewer will actually put it out there; whether on the World Wide Web or just to some friends. It took a long time for me to actually write a story down, then a lot of encouragement and threats on my friends parts to get me to "publish" it, aka put it up on my favorite website,

This site is AH-mazing. It has several different categories for writers, like Anime/Manga, Cartoons, Books, Games, etc. Then it has genres split into stuff like Romance, Action, Adventure, Horror, etc.

Say you pick Anime/Manga(my personal favorite). It then leads you to a HUUGE list of all the anime and manga with stories people have written about them. You pick the anime or manga you want to read about, then it takes you to the page with all the stories. You can then pick your rating preference, your genre, language and characters. There are two character lists to allow you to pick a romance/friend pairing. Or if you pick just one character, stories with original characters pop up more frequently. I personally really enjoy those ones.

These people write their own stories, using the characters, powers, worlds and occurrences that are in the specific manga/anime. They can also create OC's, or original characters, to insert in the story. They can change the story however they like. They are the author, they are in charge. Often things are made up, but they are made up using what is known from the story. Pretty much anything goes. Talent and skill abound, as well as those less able to write anything, much less a story. You get a little bit of everything and everyone.

The writers often post to get critiques or ideas for their stories, as well as comments and reviews to help encourage them. It takes a lot of gumption and preparation to post, but once you do, its worth it. Some authors have a pretty loyal fan base for their stories, with chapters coming out once a week and devoured by the ravenous public.

I started reading fanfiction for(guess?)Naruto! Yep. The good old fall back. But for me there wasn't en ought romance, enough pairing, even though the series (to me) feels ripe with it. But I had pairings of characters in my head that I wanted to see more of, so while I browsed for Fanart for these pairings, I found fanfiction. I was hooked, totally and completely. I spent more time reading fanfiction then the actual story!

Then I gradually moved onto other anime/manga, and have been stuck on One Piece for awhile now. It was while reading One Piece that I felt somewhat restless. I was having a hard time finding a story that fit all or most of my criteria. Some were close, but they were missing some things. So then the thought hit me. Why don't I write some of my own, then it will have everything I like?

Easier said then done.

It takes a lot more work to write a story(especially with OC's) than to just read one. But, it is also more rewarding. I feel like I am actually doing something. While I seem to have chronic, reoccurring Writers Block(EVIL!) writing makes me feel like I can do something, that I am doing something, that I will do something! Maybe fanfiction isn't writing a novel. But hey, I gotta start somewhere, right? I cant describe the feeling I get when I am on a roll, typing like mad. Or the first time I published my 70 page, multi chapter story onto It was a thrill! Then when I got my first review, I jumped around like a mad man doing a disco I was so excited!!

I am constantly writing. I want to make something of it, and right now fanfiction is what I love writing. I write for One Piece right now, and the story I posted was about a Supernova named Eustass "Captain" Kidd and an OC I made. Her name is Burakkuson, or Blackthorn. And I love it! I go back and re read it sometimes! I am working on a Law one right now... writers block has plagued me throughout his story, but I have finally made a break through!
Hope all goes well with every ones stories, both written and imagined, and may the Muses be with you!

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