Monday, August 2, 2010

Tokyo Crazy Paradise

If you want a good yakuza (type of Japanese Mafia) manga mixed with romance and action and good plot, read Tokyo Crazy Paradise.

Its set in the near future of Japan, when crime runs rampant and everyone needs to know a little self defense just to get to work and home in one piece.(One Piece, hahaha... ah.)

The story revolves around Tsukasa(girl) and Ryuji(very hot guy), with Tsuakasa acting as Ryuji's bodyguard. He is the third generation leader of the Kuryugumi, the yakuza group. His father was assassinated just previous the start of the story, and Tsukasa and her three brothers were just recently orphaned. Tsukasa has been raised as a boy by her parents, her mothers reason being that it was too dangerous for a girl to live nowadays, and that she needed to be strong and never be beaten by a man. Both her parents were cops, and their deaths were due to inter gang disputes.

Through a series of hilarious occurrences, Tsukasa ends up being the bodyguard for Ryuji. He knows she is a girl before she knows he knows. They grew up being rivals, a cops kid and a yakuza kid, but he saved her from drowning once, and he had to take the chest guard that kept her breasts hidden off to resuscitate her. He kept her secret, and now keeps her at his side due to depts he forced her to incur.

This is a shojo manga, and probably one of the funniest I have ever read. Ever. I still laugh my head off when I read it, and I have read it like three times. I fell off the bed laughing so hard once. I have no witnesses, so you will just to have trust me. Its hilarious.

This manga has really good plot development and a lot of sneaky twists. It definitely keeps you turning, and the character progression is superb. I love that word. Its so fancy.

Tsukasa is a strong heroine, funny and headstrong, who doesn't back down on her beliefs or a fight. She is a strong shield for justice (in her words) and is loyal to a fault. Ryuji is the cold, intelligent leader of one of the strongest yakuza groups in Japan, and has a lot on his plate. The only person he finds he can be himself around is Tsukasa. Only him, his two other bodyguards(who play a key role in the story) and her family know who she really is, but she causes a stir in the yakuza world. Both of them (and those around them) find out new things about themselves, things they like and things they don't. Things change and time passes, realizations and dreams are made.

A good story all around. And keep an eye out for a certain tall dark and handsome cop ;) yum.

ps. I have notice two different spellings of the word shojo/shoujo. I will use both intermittently.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dengeki Daisy

So a few days ago I went on to my email and saw my "special coupons and picks just for you" email I get from them occasionally. I decided to check it out, see what they want me to buy. The picks are based off of things that you have bought, and seeing as how my most recent buys are manga (...) A bunch of manga pops up. Its usually stuff I have bought(?) or am not really interested in. But a few days ago...

I get on there, look down, and see... DENGEKI DAISY!!!!

I was exstatic! I have loved that manga for a long time, one of my favorite shoujos, and now its in ENGLISH!!!! YES!!!

Its about a girl whose brother has died and left her a cell phone, her only contact with a mysterious figure named DAISY. They write it all capitilized too, thats not me and my twitchy caps finger. She is a poor, bullied girl only in high school because of a scholarship, the reason for her being bullied by rich student council. But what I really like about her is her strength. She doesnt let any of it get to her, partially(and she says this) because she has DAISY to help her and cheer her up.

The beginning shows her actually lying to DAISY, saying she is fine when in actuallity she is not. Then due to certain circumstances, you find out who DAISY is, but she (Teru) has no idea its the deliquent janitor who is making her pay for a broken window by working for him.

His name is Kurosaki, and he is probebly one of the most attractive Shoujo men I have ever had the privledge to read about. He seems cruel and harsh, but as DAISY, he is always there to help her. But she wont ask DAISY for help, because she doesnt want to take advantage of his kindness. As Kurosaki and as DAISY, he helps her out, guides her and teases her, and begins to love her. He has a checkered past that you begin to see, something connected to her brother and the work they were doing, as well as before her brother was in the picture.

Its an action romance, with intrigue and well developed characters that grow as the story progresses. The art and story line are very well done and interesting, keeping you flipping pages and admiring scenery and dialouge. I have re read it online a couple times, and I would definetly suggest reading it. Actually, if you havent, just do it. You wont regret it.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rurouni Kenshin

So, as previously stated, I have finally (re)started Rurouni Kenshin. I am pretty far, about chapter 80. It is a total 180 compared to the last manga I read, The Breaker. The Breaker (UH-mazing) is set in modern Tokyo with martial arts and fast cars. Rurouni Kenshin is set at the beginning of the Meiji Era when swords were banned and the Japanese still wore kimonos. It is in this time frame actually that martial arts became a more prominent and important way of fighting, since swords were banned and self defense was still needed.

So this story is about a Rurouni (wandering swordsman) who has long red hair and a cross shaped scar on his cheek. He looks kind of like a puppy, and is very unassuming, except for his blatant disregard of the edict banning swords in public. He ends up helping a girl named Kaoru clear the name of her dojo, and in the process she finds out he is the legendary Hitokori Battousoui, the "Human Killer" of the just ended war. However, he has now renounced his previous name and goes by Himura Kenshin, a Rurouni who wanders around helping those in need with his reverse blade, sakabato. The reverse blade is so he doesn't kill again, and he ends up staying with Kaoru.

His name and skills attract many friends and enemies, and as of right now
He has left his group, the self titled Kenshin-gumi or Group of Kenshin. Ok, the scene where he leaves...
IS JUST LIKE IN NARUTO!! With sasuke and sakura! When Sasuke leaves Sakura gets this bad feeling and so she goes to the only place he could be and meets him there and tries to stop him. She cries and pleads. He comes behind her and says thank you before knocking her out and gently leaving her behind.

He does end up becoming bad, but in Rurouni Kenshin, he waits until everyone else has left (Sagara Sanosake, Megumi, Yahiko) before saying his farewell. He is face to face with her, and hugs her, thanking her for everything she has done, before leaving her gently, her tears still streaming down her face as she watches him leave.

Both scenes are really touching. I seriously had tears in my eyes for the Sauske and Sakura one. Anyway, I am really bad at summaries, hopefully this blog thing will help me. Suffice it to say, R.K starts out a Little slow, but picks up as you get going. It is really interesting, full of historical facts. However, I would like more character interaction and development. I know I say that a lot, but that is what makes most of an interesting story is the way the characters react to each other, to challenges, to situations, to problems they themselves have made. I like more growth and interaction. So far this story is just fight fight funny fight.

But now, as they all set off after Kenshin, I think a lot more is going to happen. You just have to hang in there.

Oh, and I think the manga-ka is an idiot. At least from the way he writes his side notes. but he cant be because this story is actually a really in depth historical adventure(hopefully with more romance and character development as it goes). Anyway, I do suggest it, so far I like it.

PS: sorry this post isnt very good. Its late, please forgive me.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Breaker

So I have found this AMAZING Korean manga called The Breaker.

It starts with a weak pushover boy named Shin-Woo who finds his new homeroom teacher displaying great power in a fight. Shin-Woo begs Chun-Woo, the teacher, to teach him how to be stronger, so he can protect himself and those he cares about. He finds determination and courage to make himself worthy of being trained by Chun-Woo. What he doesn't know is the dangers of the martial arts world he is about to enter, and that he is going to learn from the most dangerous and the best one there is!

I admit, normally I would be thrown off at first by a weak main character. But there is a lot of character growth in this manga as the boy learns about himself and those around him, and they in turn reveal more about themselves. It starts out a little slow, but after the first couple of chapters I couldn't stop reading it. And its helps that there are some good looking people in it...

For one thing, the other main character, Chun-Woo, is freakin HOT!! ahem.. I also really liked all the sub plot stuff going on. Its very relevant to the main story, pretty much intertwined and very much necessary, and gives background and interesting character development. There is some romance, which I looove. My favorite kind of manga(right now) is the kind with martial arts and a little bit of romance to spice things up.

This is set in modern Tokyo, and uses old school fighting martial arts methods. I really like stories that bring in legitimate, ancient practices that are well researched, developed, and explained, and then puts them in modern times.

The art is VERY well done. I have to say, Korean manga-ka's (Manga artists) do their art very well. You can definitely tell the difference. Korean is more detailed in some ways, more realistic and expressionistic in other ways. It is its own style, and an awesome one. Wish I had the words to fully express its awesomeness. How about you just go read it yourself? Then I wont have to.

There are several other important characters introduced as the story line progresses, and each one is unique and has special talents, gifts, abilities, techniques, styles, and personalities.

As of this post there are 63 chapters up.

holy. crap. The last chapter??!!! INTENSE!!! This manga makes my heart race in anticipation every time I (figuratively) turn a page! The story weaves its way into your mind and for every battle or for every intense moment you are right there with them!

I am not good at summaries. I tend to make them really long and boring. So I wont go any farther than I have. Suffice it to say, if you like modern day setting with ancient martial arts techniques and styles, mixed with dangerous, bloody pasts and present, attractive characters, conflicted souls, determination and spirit, a nice portion of subtle romance(with some not so subtle in a couple places;) ) Then please do yourself a favor, kick back the old laptop(or desktop) and read this manga.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

All good things must come to an end...

Something devastating to the online manga reading world has happened. The largest, most popular online scanlation* website,, is closing down by the end of July.
(*scanlation, or scan, is the scanning, translation and editing of comics from a foreign language into a different language)

I cannot fully express how sad and upset I am about this.

Are you freaking kidding me?? For me, that is where it all started! is where I read my first manga, and where I still go to almost every day(at least every week) to see if there are any new chapters in the manga's that I read, or if there is something new I would like. It has everything!!

It has the best scanlation, a dedicated management and a tip top website! It is the first site on the google page to pop up if you type in anything about reading manga. It is an international collection of some of the best manga, as well as putting out little known ones. And it has less pop ups than other sites! It is clean and well put together and simply wonderful! AND NOW ITS LEAVING!!! :'(

Apparently manga artists and publishers have never been fans of the online scanlation sites. ... Ok. I can see where that is a problem. It does bring into question copy right issues, art and story theft, all that crazy financial/political mumbo jumbo. But always took off any scanlations that they were specifically asked by the publishers or manga artists/authors to take off. They are a very legitimate site and strove to keep it that way. And this site always, ALWAYS encouraged people to buy their favorite manga to support the artists. They never took unnecessary credit, and they always treated their fans with respect and were always trying to make improvements for a better online reading experience.

I started freaking BUYING One Piece because I read it on and realized that I wanted it in my hands! And there are several I would buy, but I cant because they are only in Japanese!!! This site brings together thousands of scanlating groups for the best quality translations and art, so that the readers can enjoy the cultural phenomenon of Japanese manga in English. At least on, the translations are all in English.

The head honcho of the site wrote a sort of pop up letter whenever you sign into Onemanga, as of today since it wasn't there yesterday(since I was on there yesterday) explaining it all. It explains that since there has been so much uneasiness and uncertainty and down right dislike by manga artists/authors/publishers that he is going to respect their wishes *stab in my heart* and discontinue the manga scanlations and start removing all scanlations from the site.

You could tell it was a heartfelt and very difficult decision. Like I said, this site is always at the top of every list whenever you type in something about reading manga, any manga. It has grown from just scanlations of One Piece, Naruto and Bleach to having manga scanlations in the hundreds and even thousands. As of right now their total manga scans are 1,146.

I am having a hard time letting this sink it. It keeps hitting rock bottom and bouncing around in my brain making my stomach hurt. This is really a very monumental, devastatingly sad blow for all who read manga online. Maybe I cant speak for everyone. But I will certainly miss this site, which brought me into the world of manga and encouraged my writing, drawing, and manga/anime love.

This post may be cheesy to some, but:
R.I.P, as of July 2010. You will be sorely missed by many.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Until Death Do Us Part

Ok, so I am not putting up a full post today, since I really want to finish re reading(for the 10th time) Until Death Do Us Part, one of my favorite mangas. It has a blind, attractive master swordsman and a young precognitive girl set in modern Japan.

It is pretty much one of the most kick butt mangas I have ever read. Note that I am RE reading it...

Anyway, if you haven't read it, please do. It has some blood, but has it so it isn't bad. In my Opinion. Yes, I capitalized that purpose. Maybe I will put some pics up of it.. Sometime in the near future when I can give this manga the post it deserves. There are a lot of attractive guys (and girls....) in it. And the story line is freakin amazing and the art is way, way good.

Monday, July 19, 2010


So when you read a manga or watch an anime, and it doesn't turn out exactly how you want it, or there is no pairing, or not enough action, or the plot went off in a way you didn't like, what do you do? Why, you make up your own story, of course!

Not everyone will make up a story, and even less will write it down, and fewer will actually put it out there; whether on the World Wide Web or just to some friends. It took a long time for me to actually write a story down, then a lot of encouragement and threats on my friends parts to get me to "publish" it, aka put it up on my favorite website,

This site is AH-mazing. It has several different categories for writers, like Anime/Manga, Cartoons, Books, Games, etc. Then it has genres split into stuff like Romance, Action, Adventure, Horror, etc.

Say you pick Anime/Manga(my personal favorite). It then leads you to a HUUGE list of all the anime and manga with stories people have written about them. You pick the anime or manga you want to read about, then it takes you to the page with all the stories. You can then pick your rating preference, your genre, language and characters. There are two character lists to allow you to pick a romance/friend pairing. Or if you pick just one character, stories with original characters pop up more frequently. I personally really enjoy those ones.

These people write their own stories, using the characters, powers, worlds and occurrences that are in the specific manga/anime. They can also create OC's, or original characters, to insert in the story. They can change the story however they like. They are the author, they are in charge. Often things are made up, but they are made up using what is known from the story. Pretty much anything goes. Talent and skill abound, as well as those less able to write anything, much less a story. You get a little bit of everything and everyone.

The writers often post to get critiques or ideas for their stories, as well as comments and reviews to help encourage them. It takes a lot of gumption and preparation to post, but once you do, its worth it. Some authors have a pretty loyal fan base for their stories, with chapters coming out once a week and devoured by the ravenous public.

I started reading fanfiction for(guess?)Naruto! Yep. The good old fall back. But for me there wasn't en ought romance, enough pairing, even though the series (to me) feels ripe with it. But I had pairings of characters in my head that I wanted to see more of, so while I browsed for Fanart for these pairings, I found fanfiction. I was hooked, totally and completely. I spent more time reading fanfiction then the actual story!

Then I gradually moved onto other anime/manga, and have been stuck on One Piece for awhile now. It was while reading One Piece that I felt somewhat restless. I was having a hard time finding a story that fit all or most of my criteria. Some were close, but they were missing some things. So then the thought hit me. Why don't I write some of my own, then it will have everything I like?

Easier said then done.

It takes a lot more work to write a story(especially with OC's) than to just read one. But, it is also more rewarding. I feel like I am actually doing something. While I seem to have chronic, reoccurring Writers Block(EVIL!) writing makes me feel like I can do something, that I am doing something, that I will do something! Maybe fanfiction isn't writing a novel. But hey, I gotta start somewhere, right? I cant describe the feeling I get when I am on a roll, typing like mad. Or the first time I published my 70 page, multi chapter story onto It was a thrill! Then when I got my first review, I jumped around like a mad man doing a disco I was so excited!!

I am constantly writing. I want to make something of it, and right now fanfiction is what I love writing. I write for One Piece right now, and the story I posted was about a Supernova named Eustass "Captain" Kidd and an OC I made. Her name is Burakkuson, or Blackthorn. And I love it! I go back and re read it sometimes! I am working on a Law one right now... writers block has plagued me throughout his story, but I have finally made a break through!
Hope all goes well with every ones stories, both written and imagined, and may the Muses be with you!